The boards DVMEGA-UHF and DVMEGA-DUAL are daughter cards for the Raspberry Pi. In combination with this single board computer it becomes very easy to construct an entire radio solution for a low power D-Star Node Adaptor.

The DVMEGA transceiver board utilizes the chip ADF7021. This IC constitutes a complete transceiver for digital data with GMSK modulation. The control of the transceiver chip is handled with a local ATMEGA 328 on the same board. The result is a flexible digital transceiver component with low power for the frequency range from 144 to 148 (DVMEGA-DUAL) and from 430 to 450 MHz (DVMEGA-DUAL and DVMEGA-UHF). The DVMEGA board handles the radio side and the modulation/demodulation part, the Raspberry Pi is used for the protocol handling of D-Star (and future digital modes).

DVMega pictured connected with BlueStack (Extra Board)
The software for the Raspberry Pi is available in a Yahoo group. here G4KLX offers programs like ircDDBGateway and the PCRepeaterController. With these programs and the above mentioned hardware it becomes very easy to construct a local low-power hotspot for digital modes. The benefit is, tha tduie to the dlexible construction and software future developments can be made available as well.